How Public Adjusters Can Help Homeowners After Hurricane Francine


Following the hurricane Francine, the landfall and hurricane winds devastated life and property along the coast. Some of the homes were swept off from their foundations while some of the buildings witnessed the greatest threat of stormy winds, floods, and rainfall. However, the hurricane has gone. Its footprints are still on the ground in the form of demolished buildings and other damages. In such a critical situation, navigating the hurricane insurance claims process with the public adjuster makes things easy and stress-free. Take a look at the following article to learn how the public adjuster for hurricane damage can make the hurricane damage claim settlement smooth and seamless.

What is a Public Adjuster?

Public adjusters are state-licensed adjusters who work on behalf of policyholders to save their interests. They prepare documentation and file insurance claim settlement papers effectively. Also, they are well-versed with policy nuances and can identify coverage benefits you may overlook. Additionally, they specialize in negotiating for the most favorable claim settlement from the insurer. This way, they ensure you receive a fair and timely claim approval, so you can restart your life post-catastrophic incident. 

If you have suffered significant damage because of Hurricane Francine disaster, you should understand the key difference between public adjusters and insurance adjusters. This will help you understand how the roles and responsibilities of a public adjuster are different from insurance adjuster. Take a look at the following pointers to know:

  • Loyalty Difference: The public adjuster negotiates with insurance companies to save the interests of the policyholders. On the contrary, insurance adjusters, also known as independent adjusters, are committed to ensuring the year-on-year revenue growth of the insurance company. Their concern for policyholders is limited.
  • Assessment of the Damaged Property: As mentioned earlier, an insurance adjuster saves the profit of the insurance company. Due to this, they often leave essential damages in their reports and do not assess the value of damaged goods or property accurately. Conversely, a public adjuster tries to maximize the house claim payout. Therefore, they do not leave a stone unturned while assessing your property and evaluating the value of damaged goods.
  • Claim Settlement Amount: Often, it has been observed that the estimation of claim settlement done by the public adjuster exceeds the insurance adjuster’s estimation. 
  • Cost: The public adjuster charges a percentage of the claim settlement whereas the insurance adjuster gets payment only from the company.


What Does A Public Adjuster Do

Hiring a public adjuster for hurricane damage is a prudent decision to maximize coverage benefits against severe damage. They negotiate for the highest possible return from the insurance company to mitigate the impacts of catastrophic events. You can have peace of mind with this thought that you have an experienced advocate who can fight for your rights. 

The Value of Hiring a Public Adjuster for Hurricane Damage

As a policyholder, understanding policy’s wording and state’s laws is a daunting task. After the devastating incident, filing for the hurricane insurance claim process can be overwhelming because of its complex nature. From the interpretation of the policy’s coverage benefits to the evaluation of the hurricane damage, you need the assistance of a public adjuster. They are knowledgeable and experienced to make this time-consuming and frustrating procedure hassle-free. 

  • Claim Denial: Public adjusters in Orlando specialize in understanding the intricacies of the policy and can efficiently fight for issues like claim denials. Usually, insurers deny settling the claim by proving the claim request for pre-existing damage or exclusions. Hire a public adjuster for hurricane damage claims to prevent such time-consuming and hectic issues.
  • Underpayment: Often, insurers like to pay less than the actual value of the damage. In such a situation, a public adjuster advocates for the right claim payout you deserve.
  • Delay in Settlement: Usually insurance companies take the time of several months to indemnify the financial loss. However, a public adjuster files a claim settlement process effectively to restore damage on time. 

How a Public Adjuster Simplifies the Hurricane Claim Damage

A public adjuster navigates the complexities of the insurance world. Also, they keep you informed on every step. This way, you can feel peace of mind and focus on other essential things. Here’s a quick overview of the steps for the hurricane insurance claim process:

  • Assessment of the Property Damage

Evaluate the damage to your property and goods caused by the hurricane. They ensure all damages are accounted for, including those the insurance contractor might have missed during the assessment. 

  • Documentation of Losses

Public adjusters effectively document the damage for a stronger claim settlement. They capture photos and videos, gather evidence, and write a detailed report to provide clear and concise substantial damages/losses caused by Hurricane Francine. 

  • Interpretation of the Policy

Understand the intricacies of the policy, including inclusions, exclusions, and deductibles. Then, they inform you about coverage benefits and exclusions. This way, the right interpretation of the policy’s jargon increases the chances of a massive hurricane damage claim

  • Do the Right Paperwork

Compiling all documents and evidence is essential with the mandatory paperwork. A professional public adjuster for hurricane damage has expertise in preparing a detailed claim settlement and communicating with the insurer to ensure that complete paperwork will be submitted within a time limit. 

  • Negotiate with the Insurance Company

They negotiate with the insurer to make you receive the maximum payout up to the limits of the policy. Additionally, if they find other issues like claim denial, bad offer, and claim settlement delay,  fighting for your rights becomes essential for them. 

  • Empower the Policyholder 

Overall, professional public adjusters empower policyholders. They help you with updates and feedback about the claim settlement process. This way, you feel more empowered and peaceful despite the severe impacts of the hurricane damage. 

Common Challenges with Hurricane Insurance Claims

Navigating the hurricane insurance claims process is an overwhelming task for homeowners. Here are the challenges that you may face:

  • Policy Misunderstandings

Hurricane insurance policy is filled with complex technical terms that are overwhelming. Your misunderstanding can lead to issues like claim denial and undervalued claim payout. There is a huge possibility that you may miss coverage benefits clauses due to your ignorance. But, licensed public adjusters have a deeper understanding of policy’s technical language. They assist you in maneuvering through the claim process effectively. 

  • State’s Laws Are Vary

Besides policy wording misinterpretation, you may fail to get comprehensive information about the state’s laws while filing the claim on your own. However, the assistance of public adjusters may help you with their knowledge and experience, ensuring the hurricane claim settlement request complies with the state’s laws. 

  • Improper Documentation

Documentation of substantial damages is essential to claim the highest payout up to the limit of the policy to recover from the loss. This can be cumbersome to gather evidence, capture photos, and write a detailed report for documentation. Conversely, public adjusters have the knowledge and experience to thoroughly document the damage and accurately estimate the cost of repairs. 

  • Low Ball Offers from Insurers

Another challenge that you may encounter with a hurricane damage claim is the low payout offer. If you feel the insurer has not accurately estimated the loss and offered you a low price, contact the public adjuster right away. They reassess the coverage benefits, documentation, and paperwork to find flaws in the claim settlement request. They provide a second opinion on how they can help you achieve financial compensation for all repair costs. 

Filing a Hurricane Damage Claim with a Public Adjuster

Has Hurricane Francine caused thousands of dollars in damages? Worry not! Get in touch with a licensed public adjuster who can offer a clear understanding of your hurricane insurance claims process.  Here are the steps that you should know to file a hurricane damage claim with a public adjuster:

  • Emergency Repairs

Avoid making any repairs until the public adjuster for hurricane damage has looked for substantial damage. However, some emergency repairs are necessary to consider, otherwise, further damage to the property can mitigate the claim amount. Also, keep the emergency repair receipts safe with you. 

  • Damage Assessment and Documentation

The next step is the assessment of the Hurricane Francine damage caused to your property by the public adjuster. In this crucial step, they look for severe damages, such as roof damage, water damage to furniture, and broken windows or doors. Then, they document the damage, which includes capturing photos, videos, and a detailed report. They pay attention to everything from structural damage to property loss in documentation. 

  • Cost Estimates to Restore the Damage

After the documentation, they provide cost estimates for the repairs. Usually, this estimate is based on the policy’s inclusion for hurricane damage coverage, the visible loss or damage that has occurred, and the market price for the repair work. 

  • Negotiation for the Claim Settlement

Finally, they negotiate with the insurance company based on the prepared comprehensive claim report. If the company suggests a low offer, they advocate for your rights. With their specialized knowledge, they communicate with the concerned authority and ensure a fair payout that you deserve. 

Why Is Public Adjuster Essential After Hurricane Francine

Whether you have an existing Hurricane Francine damage claim or are just near the threshold of this huge damage, understanding the significance of a public adjuster is essential for the hurricane insurance claim process. Take a look at the following discussion to learn the advantages of hiring a public adjuster for hurricane damage:

  • Prepare a Comprehensive Claim Report

Are you stressed about how to organize all the necessary evidence, documentation, reports, and other things in one place? Worry not! Public adjusters efficiently prepare a comprehensive claim report to make a stronger compensation request. 

  • Effective Communication with the Insurer

During the negotiation process, the public adjuster can engage in open and transparent communication, providing additional information needed. They use efficient negotiation skills while addressing their questions or concerns. This way, they ensure you receive a fair amount that can adequately cover the cost of repairs. 

  • Expedite Claim Settlement 

They aim to provide you with a fair and prompt claim settlement. With their expertise and comprehensive documentation, they make negotiations effective, ensuring you get a fair claim settlement amount to rebuild or recover on time. 

  • Less Stress

Additionally, they empower you by informing you about every step. This way, you do not feel worry how to restore the damage. Their compassionate, courteous, and high-responsive nature boosts confidence and alleviates the burden of property damage. You feel less stressed and more focused on your work and the damage repair. 

How to Choose a Public Adjuster for Hurricane Damage

Hiring the right public adjuster for hurricane damage can provide numerous benefits for homeowners dealing with the aftermath of the catastrophic event. Check out the following details to know more:

  • Check Whether They Are Licensed

Experiencing property damage on account of hurricane damage is a severe headache. To solve the complexities of the claim settlement, hire a licensed public adjuster. Some states do not make licenses or certifications necessary for public adjusters. So, avoid unlicensed adjusters as they may drive their actions with the motive of money only. 

  • Check Their Track Record and Experience 

It is essential to verify whether or not the public adjuster you have chosen has years of experience. Furthermore, go through the online reviews/testimonials of the adjuster to learn the client’s experience with them. 

  • Confirm the Fee Structure 

In most cases, disputes crop up due to the failure of communication about the fee structure and payment schedule. Therefore, before hiring an adjuster, have a written detailed fee structure, ensuring there are no hidden charges. 


In summary, a professional public adjuster for hurricane damage has experience breaking down complex insurance policies and providing comprehensive documentation to get the most favorable settlement. They take a load off your shoulders while filing for a hurricane damage claim, allowing you to focus on restarting your life after the disaster. So, contact a trustworthy public adjuster today and discuss the hurricane insurance claims process.


  • What kind of damage is covered in a hurricane damage claim?

Roof damage, water damage to the furniture, broken windows/doors, and structural damage are covered in a hurricane damage claim. 

  • Can I file a hurricane damage claim if I don’t have comprehensive coverage?

You need comprehensive coverage to cover hurricane damage claims. 

  • What should I include when documenting damage for a hurricane claim?

Include clear photographs and videos of the storm, a detailed report of the damaged goods with their estimated values, ownership papers of the property, the property’s market value, and any photo that can show the intensity of the storm, such as fallen tree near your property or broken power lines.

  • Do I need a lawyer for the hurricane insurance claims process?

Initially, you do need a lawyer for the hurricane insurance claim process. But, if the insurer has rejected paying the claim, unvalued the financial compensation, or you believe that the company is not dealing with the case fairly, you require a lawyer for the litigation. 

  • Can I file a hurricane insurance claim if I made temporary repairs?

Temporary repairs are essential otherwise further damage to the property can happen. Yes, you can file a hurricane insurance claim if you made a temporary repair. But, do include the emergency repair receipts with the documentation. 

  • How can a public adjuster increase my hurricane damage settlement?

By doing thorough documentation, evaluating the estimated cost of loss, writing a detailed report, and negotiating with the insurer, a public adjuster can increase hurricane damage settlement. 

  • What qualifications should I look for in a public adjuster for hurricane damage?

Choose a licensed and certified public adjuster for a hurricane damage claim. Read reviews and testimonials if available online. This will make you make an informed decision for the adjuster.